SongSwell presents

Dublin California with the "Mountain Man Video" even the most reclusive mountain man can be lured out of his lair by the right red haired girl. Video is close to finishing production so you better run and hide Katy! Or grab a bottle of Jameson and sing along. Just got together with Patrick Darcy and put down a wee bit of pipes and whistle for the song. (Comments to

The videos on this website have subtitles available in up to 44 languages. For IOS devices like an iphone push the oval button on the right of the video menu controls to choose desired language. On PC or android use subtitle button on the player on top of this page.
If you look below i have added a new slideshow with photos of the various the arrow on either side to advance the picture to the right or left.

"MountainMan" Slideshow

Audio will be offered in different formats including 5.1 surround sound

MountainMan Audio Only

MountainMan Audio only with Patrick Darcy on pipes and whistle

Audio ONLY is offered in 4 different file types including .m4a, .mp3, FLAC and PCM(.wav) stereo.

Copyright 2010©, joSherman, SongSwell®™logo icon

This site was first launched in 2010. Based out of studio on the beach in Santa Monica California. It has been a long journey beginning with "The Sala Mala" video from Dakar. Site created to showcase music to the world. Platform is by artists for artists. All content is copyrighted, indexed, and credits are disclosed. Excited to incorporate language translation from many countries. Be sure and Enjoy the Ride! (Let us know in comments about translation errors. No translation was meant to be offensive.) Many thanks to my wife and inspiration Cathy.

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