English_en: (Website Language) PEACE Baby Hippo
Francais_fr: PAIX Cheri, bonjour mon bébé hippo
Spanish_es Espanol: PAZ,Hola! mi bebé hipopotamo
Bulgarian_bg: Мир
和平寶貝河馬 Hépíng bǎobèi hémǎ
Catalan_ca: Pau
Chinese_zh: 和平你好,我的小河马
Croatian_hr:Hrvatski Mir
Danish_da: Dansk Fred
Dutch_nl: vrede, Hutspot
Farsi_fa: صلح من نوزاد کرگدن ,
Filipino_ph: Kapayapaan
Finnish_fi: Suomi rauha
Francais_fr: PAIX Cheri, bonjour mon bébé hippo
German_de: Frieden
Greek_el: Ειρήνη
Haitian_ht: Lapè
Hausa_ha: zaman lafiya
Maluhia Wahine, Aloha!
Hebrew_iw: שלום התינוק שלי היפופוטם,
Hindi_hi: शांति
Icelandic_is: Friður
Italian_it: PACE, Boungiorno
Japanese_ja: 平和を,キャシーが言う「こんにちは」
Korean_ko: 평화
Malay_ms: Kedamaian
Norwegian_no: Norsk Fred
Polish_pl: Polski Pokój
Portuguese_pt: PAZ
Russian_ru: мир,Привет, мой гиппопотамчик
Spanish_es Espanol: PAZ,Hola! mi bebé hipopotamo
Swahili_sw: Amani
Swedish_sv: Svenska Fred
Tahitian_ty: PAU Berbi Cheri, Aroha Iorana
Thai_th: ความสงบ
Turkish_tr: BARIS,merhaba benim hippom
Urdu_ur: امن
Vietnamese_vi:Sự thanh bình
Welsh_cy: Heddwch
Wolof_wo: SALAM Na-nga-def,sama dome hippo
Yiddish_yi: שלום
Zulu_zu: UKUTHULA,sawubona mtaneMvubu
SongSwell presents
exotic Dakar Senegal with "The Sala Mala" story. Enjoy the ride my baby hippo! As I was learning to converse in the local language called "Wolof" I was asked "Sala Mala Kum" and I soon learned to reply "Mala Kum Salam". I thought that is so.... well musical. So then came "The Sala Mala" song. If you like how that rolls off your tongue try Na-nga-def Ma-ngi-fi-rek. Now if that doesn't make you dance then check out the local percussionist named Dupin. He is certain to bring you out of your chair and into some dancing moves. Leave comments
LINK to BUY Video!-digital HD and UHD offered
(Use language menu on upper left of download link to select preferred language)
The videos on this website have subtitles available in up to 44 languages. For IOS devices like an iphone push the oval button on the right of the video menu controls to choose desired language. On PC or android use subtitle button on the player on top of this page. If you look below i have added a new slideshow with photos of the various players...click the arrow on either side to advance the picture to the right or left.
Song Poster Slideshow
LINK to BUY Video!-digital HD and UHD offered
Click the Orange button to connect to purchase menu. Preferred Language menu available
ISRC code
For the above Songswell Video:
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-also called UPC code
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The Menu Below is a list of Languages offered with a language code Abbreviation :
(en)(eng)English:Peace Baby Hippo
(es)(spa)Spanish: PAZ
(fa)(far)Farsi: صلح
(ja)Japanese: 平和を
(no)(nno)Norwegian:Norsk Fred
(es)Spanish: PAZ
(ty)(tah)Tahitian:PAU, Aroha
(vi)(vie)Vietnamese:Sự thanh bình
(wo)(wol)Wolof: SALAM
Comments & Reviews
Copyright 2010©, joSherman, SongSwell®™
This site was first launched in 2010. Based out of studio on the beach in Santa Monica California. It has been a long journey beginning with "The Sala Mala" video from Dakar. Site created to showcase music to the world. Platform is by artists for artists. All content is copyrighted, indexed, and credits are disclosed. Excited to incorporate language translation from many countries. Be sure and Enjoy the Ride! (Let us know in comments about translation errors. No translation was meant to be offensive.) Many thanks to my wife and inspiration Cathy.
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