SongSwell presents
with the song "Yellow and Blue" filmed in Santa Monica California. After watching the horrors unfolding in Ukraine I had to put some thoughts together by way of song. In my own small way I had to send a message that all the way across the world our community supports the people of Ukraine. As they are suffering I realized how much I was suffering with them. Every day I said to my self please "stay alive". With all the images of fleeing families clutching their children I realized they are making these sacrifices not for themselves but for their children. I want to tell them how much I honor their sacrifice and how clear it is so wrong that they have to lead in a fight that should be shared by all of us. I don't think the moral dilemma is "should one stay alive while being oppressed verse dying to to resist a ruthless oppressor", but "how can anyone standby and watch an oppressor completely devastate a country and a people". Those that standby while an oppressor does his work is morally in some ways more dispicable than the oppressor. If someone has the tools to stop the oppressor yet holds back for fear of escalating the oppressor then all is lost. Leave comments
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Song Poster Slideshow
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Song Poster Slideshow
Audio ONLY is offered in 4 different file types including .m4a, .mp3, FLAC and PCM(.wav) stereo.
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